Picture of boxer puppy w/ 3 colors
Make | NIKON | Camera Model | E5700 |
Aperture Value | f/6 | Color Space | sRGB |
Exposure Bias Value | 0 EV | Exposure Program | Program |
Flash | No Flash | Focal Length | 18.8 mm |
ISO | AUTO | Metering Mode | Multi-Segment |
Shutter Speed Value | 0 sec | Date/Time | Fri 16 Apr 2004 03:08:00 PM CDT |
cuteiee piee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!1
by s@lovebugg
all of these boxer puppys look like my dog rider and addorable
by betel
Hey LC its avalyn from the 4th gradeee!!!! :D
by Avalyn
O my gosh this adorble puppy looks like my dog.I love Boxers especily my dog Romo.I love him so much!
by Lishana Cruz
This dog is awsome.I bet she/he would be best friends with my dog.
by Samantha
his nose is so cute!!!
by Amy